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Tour Guide Blonde (USA/CZ/SK), Hard To Frame


Wednesday 2.4.2025, 20:00


350 CZK

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Tour Guide Blonde is the project of the now trans-genre singer and guitarist Allison Wheeler. The band comes up with original music that can be defined as Americana combined with melancholic grunge and sparkling dream pop, but the experience from other genres is evident in the music due to technical precision and interesting forms. The band released their debut EP Circles in the fall of 2024.

The band’s music Hard to Frame is a diverse combination of electronic and acoustic music with elements of jazz, highlighted by the fragile voice of singer Karolina. The band manages to be subtle, almost dreamy on stage while making you vibrate with deep beats that don’t deny the inspiration in dubstep, d’n’b or minimal techno. At the end of 2023, the band released their second full-length album Plastic Stars, for which the track Stranger in Your Heart was given the visual treatment.

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