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Why commemorate Marina Tsvetaeva, a Russian poet born 125 years ago, with a performance at Rock Café in 2020? Because Marina was passionate and aroused passion, because this “rocker” of her time remains a modern woman, a timeless icon that transforms everyday life into magic. Because she performed here in Prague at the main railway station on August 1, 1922, and entered a young free country helping Russians fleeing Bolshevism.
«Marina Tsvetaeva. Moscow-Prague-Paris and back» is a performance created in 2013 in Moscow. It reminds us od the turbulent life of Marina, influenced by historical events that turned the world upside down and forced her to leave her country. The production is intimate, with elements of theater, recitation and film projections, adhering to the creative process of “writing and experiencing” that was so close to Tsvetaeva.
It is a fresco from which we have captured some fragments of her journey between Moscow, Prague and Paris, between the cities she inhabited. With this performance Marina returns to the places of her exile. The ensemble is from France, the performance is in French and Czech. It was created by Maja de Lacoste, Edwige Morf and Emmanuelle Sacchet: a historian, actress and stage designer who all lived in Moscow, as well as Florent Delporte, pianist and founder of the Paris association “Marina Tsvetaeva, Étoile – averse”.
The performance was created with the exceptionally valuable participation of the director Jaroslava Šiktancová and the help of Galina Vaněčková, a specialist on Marina Tsvetaeva. They were translated into Czech by Jana Martinová and Mirko Vaněček.